Challenge Details

Caffeinated CrossFit Nutrition Challenge

This challenge will be the paleo diet. Come to our nutrition talk, on Friday, January 11th at 6:30 PM with Coach Mary to learn more details!

The Details

Challenge Dates

Kick-off: Monday, January 21st  

End of Challenge:  Monday, February 25th

**5 Weeks**

How to Participate

Before starting: Sign up online on the excel so we know you are in the challenge!

To participate in the challenge, you must visit Caffeinated CrossFit on or around Day 1 and Day 35 of the challenge and complete the following activities on both days:

1.    Pay the buy in fee of $25 to go towards prizes and cash for the winners (Cash or Check or PayPal to Christine []). 

2.    Sign up for the Dunk Tank:
Rates this time around will be:
2 dunks for $45 plus taxes & fees
Also, members will need to purchase through their website to keep this steam lined!

To purchase 2 for $45 the clients will need to:
a.     go to
b.    click on the blue BOOK NOW button
c.     navigate the calendar to JANUARY
d.    click on the time they want to schedule 
e.     select "2" body composition tests
f.     input name, email & phone number
g.    there will be a space for the promo code on the next page
h.    enter payment information & promo code "NEQMD86M"

3.    Take 3 photos of yourself: front, back, and right side (profile)
4.    Participate in the baseline workouts: these need to be done during the week of July 31st and again the week of August 28th. These workouts will be the regular workout for each day.  If you miss a day, you can make it up in open gym.   

Challenge Criteria

Your final score for the challenge will be totaled using 4 components:

1. Food Score: You may earn up to 36 points by eating following a clean diet. You’ll be keeping a simple food journal for each day of the challenge, and will earn points when you stick to the paleo diet.

2. Performance Score: You may earn points based on your improvement in the workout performance. You’ll be doing these benchmark workouts on first and last week of the Challenge, and will be scored based on your percentage improvement in score. The number of points you earn will depend on your percentile ranking as compared with other participants in the challenge.

3. Body Score: You may earn points based on your improvement in body composition. The number of points you earn will depend on your percentile ranking as compared with other participants in the challenge.

4. Workout Consistency Score: You will earn points based on the number of workouts you complete each week in comparison to the number of workouts you commit to at the beginning of the challenge.

Food Score

Your Food Score will be calculated as follows:

▪ Your Food Score will start at 0 points.

▪ Every day you can either:

-       Gain a point for sticking to the paleo diet 100% (+1)

-       Stay at your current score by sticking to paleo except for a few (<2) instances of minor non-paleo slip ups. The point of this is for athletes who didn’t realize a meal wasn’t paleo because it contained some artificial sugar or if there was cheese on the salad, etc. This is up to coach’s discretion. (e.g. 1 slice of pizza DOES NOT equal 1 minor instance) (0)

-       Lose points by not sticking to paleo that day. 1 point per meal. Up to 3 negative points per day. (-1 to -3)

▪ If you maintain a perfect diet (i.e. stick to paleo 100%) for the entire 36 days (5 week challenge), you can earn a total of 36 points.

▪ You can get an additional point each week (for a maximum of 5 bonus points) for submitting a food blog/diary entry for the week. Sample blog entries can be found here.

Food Journal

Your Food Score will be calculated based on a simple daily food journal that you will be keeping throughout the Challenge. Your daily food journal must list the following information:

▪ A log of ALL meals and snacks you ate for that day. Include as complete a list of ingredients as you can manage.

▪ We recommend “My Fitness Pal” with the largest food repository to help manage your food journal.

▪ Your food score per day +1, 0, -1, -2, -3 (on the customized excel, “Athlete Nutrition Log” tab)

Performance Score

The Performance component of the score will be calculated by comparing your performance of the WODs on first and last week of your challenge. The difference between your workout scores from first and last week will result in an Improvement Percentage value which will be compared to every member of the challenge. To simplify scoring, the percentage difference of each workout will be summed up to equal your total percentage improvement.

Workout #1:

In 10 Minutes:

Find a 5 rep max back rack step up (each leg)

**Note: Weight may be different per leg. Record each leg separately.

In 20 Minutes:

Find a 5 rep max Back Squat

Workout #2:


For time:

500 Meter Row

40 Air Squats

30 Sit-Ups

20 Push-Ups

10 Pull-Ups

Rx vs. Scaled

If you do Rx in the first WOD, do it Rx on final. If you scale the first WOD, scale it exactly the same on the final as well.

For Example

Let’s say on workout #1 you got 300# in the beginning and 310# at the end of the challenge. You got a 3.33% increase on workout #1. Then, let’s say on workout 2 you went from being able to finish in 5 minutes to 4 minutes. You got a 20% increase on workout #2. Your total percentage increase is 23.33%. We will then rank everyone be percentage. If there are 10 people in the challenge, 1st place will get 10 Points, 10th place will get 1 Point.

Body Score

The Body component of the score will be based on a body. The difference between our scan results from Day 1 and Day 36 will result in an Improvement Percentage Value which will be compared to every member of the challenge. With ranking listed by Improvement Percentage Value, you will receive Body points based on your percentile rank. If there are 10 people in the challenge, 1st place will get 10 Points, 10th place will get 1 Point.

Workout Consistency Score

In the excel sheet when you sign up, you will choose a number of times to workout per week during the challenge. Every week you meet the number of workouts committed to, you will get 5 points for that week. (All or none) You cannot make up workouts in another week. For example, if you say 3 times per week. You will need to come into the gym/workout on your own (at least 30 minutes of activity). Coaches sign off required for workouts done outside of the gym. For workouts done at the gym, you must be signed in to class to get credit. Track your progress through the “Workout Log” tab. (workouts done at the gym with you signed in will be added at the end of the challenge if you forget to keep this updated)

Winning The Challenge

Your total score will simply be the combined total points of your Food Score, Performance Score, Body Score, and Workout Consistency Score. 

Winner Announcements

Final scores will be posted, winners will be announced, and prizes will be distributed Following our End of Challenge Event in March.

Summary of Challenge Schedule

▪ Now-1/21: Sign up for the challenge online and submit buy in payment.

▪ 1/11: [6:30 PM] Nutrition Talk. We will go through the requirements of the challenge as well as strategies and tips for successful paleo dieting.

▪ 1/21-1/25: Need to check off all their "before challenge" requirements. Dunk Tank, Workouts, Buy In Fee, Pictures.

▪ 1/21: [4:30 PM-7:30 PM] Kick off event at Caffeinated CrossFit. The workouts will be run in heats. Athletes will get their "before" dunk tank results and pics taken.

▪ 1/21-2/25: Competitors will stick to their 5 week challenge and submit their food log score each day (+1, 0, -1, -2, -3)  and workout consistency score each week.

▪ 2/25-3/1: Need to check off all their "after challenge" requirements. Dunk Tank, Workouts, Pictures.

Accountability Buddies/Teams

This may be tough, we know, and we (the coaching staff) are going to be doing this with you. Everyone who signs up with the challenge will be able to talk to your coaches about any questions or concerns or to help set a plan for your diet. You will be in a team with all the members of your gym to encourage each other, and keep each other on track. Within and across the teams we will encourage recipe sharing (maybe even some group taste testing) and group outings to help make the “diet” a sustainable way of life.

What Is Paleo?

Here are the basics:

Eat: Meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, healthy fats and oils.

Avoid: Processed foods, sugar, soft drinks, grains, most dairy products, legumes, artificial sweeteners, vegetable oils, margarine and trans fats.

More reading on paleo can be found here.
